
Daftar Konferensi Dosen UPI Tasikmalaya yang merupakan salah satu wadah untuk menuangkan hasil research dalam bentuk jurnal, artikel maupun jurnal internasional.


No.Nama DosenNama Temu Ilmiah/SeminarJudul Artikel IlmiahWaktu dan Tempat
1Dr. Lutfi Nur, M.Pd., MM.International Conference on Education Social Sciencies and Humanities (ICESSHUM)Can Teaching by Invitation Technique Improve the Students’ Basic Motion Ability?
Terbit pada: Series:Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, Vol.335, p. 545-550, Agustus 2019. (Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Education Social Sciences and Humanities (ICESSHum 2019)
13-16 Maret 2019, Padang, Indonesia
2Dr. Lutfi Nur, M.Pd., MM.The 4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC)Comparative Analysis of Movement Intensities in Male and Female Students Using Polar Global Positioning System (GPS)24 April 2019, Bali, Indonesia
3Dr. Lutfi Nur, M.Pd., MM.The 4th Asian Education Symposium (AES)Cognitive Ability: Game-Based Aquatic Learning in Early Childhood
Terbit pada:Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, Volume 438, 54-57, Mei 2020.
14-15 Agustus 2019, Manado, Indonesia
4Dr. Lutfi Nur, M.Pd., MM.The 4th International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education ICSSHPE)Comparative Analysis of Physical Education Learning Motivation based on Giving Feedback through a Technical Approach.
Terbit pada:Advances in Health Science Research, Volume 21, 213- 215, February 2020.
8-9 Oktober 2019, Bandung, Indonesia
5Dr. Lutfi Nur, M.Pd., MM.The 4th International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education ICSSHPE)Long Jump Ability: A Comparison Between Students with High and Low Physical Fitness.
Terbit pada:Advances in Health Science Research, Volume 21, 311- 313, February 2020
8-9 Oktober 2019, Bandung, Indonesia
6Dr. Lutfi Nur, M.Pd., MM.The 4th International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education ICSSHPE)Vocational High Schools Students’ Social Skills
Terbit pada:Advances in Health Science Research, Volume 21, 396- 398, February 2020.
8-9 Oktober 2019, Bandung, Indonesia
7Dr. Lutfi Nur, M.Pd., MM.The 3nd International Conference of Educational Sciences (ICES)Cooperation Capabilities: Outbound Activities for Elementary School Students7 Nopember 2019, Bandung, Indonesia
8Dr. Lutfi Nur, M.Pd., MM.The 2nd Seminar on Advances in Mathematics, Science, and Engineering for Elementary Schools 2020An Electronic Rubric for Collaboration Skill Assessment in Outbound Activities8 October 2020, Online Virtual Conference
9Dr. Lutfi Nur, M.Pd., MM.The 2nd Seminar on Advances in Mathematics, Science, and Engineering for Elementary Schools 2020“The Analysis of Student Response Patterns to Physical Education Learning Motivation through Rasch Modeling in Elementary Schools8 October 2020, Online Virtual Conference